How Do The Meditation In Kabbalah?

The meditation in Kabbalah is not like eastern meditation, but in Kabbalah the meditation is the pathway to get connection with the Creator Of Light, and we can find His light and so we can manifest His light to the entire world. And through the meditation, we can repair the connection with His light. In Kabbalah, the person does meditation to can activate the light.

And as before I shared about the best time to meditate, so here at this section I will share the some simple way to meditate.

First, the most recommended is at the dawn time, or night before morning. You can read again at the before section.

Second, find the place that really so calm and quiet, and so rare to visit with any people. Both the day or night. Cause it will I give impact the energy you feel and you find in the spiritual atmosphere. And if I personally, I always choose the place that so quiet and far from crowd. And I always listen to the calm sea voice, a with the soft wind. The calm sea voice will help me to find the ‘rhythm‘ for meditation, when I will take a breath, or reveal. And I prefer to listen the water voice, as the water energy, cause in Kabbalah the water is healing energy, and Torah is water too.

Third, in Kabbalah, the mediation does not be speechless, more than that you close your eyes, breathtaking, and get relax position. But open your heart and your mind, enjoy it, and let the energy of Light stream in yourself. While you feel that, keep focus on your mind to what you whisper softly. Here, you can begin to declare the statement from the Bible, Ana Bekoach prayer or 42 letters, or 72 Letters. Do it repeatedly and don’t give up.

Forth, about the position, we need our head and our body can stay straightly, with the neck too. Cause in Kabbalah, our head is the symbol of firmament or sky, and our body as the entire earth, and our neck is the connector between the firmament and entire earth.

Fifth, as the beginner, please don’t force yourself to meditate in long time, but step by step. As the water river stream, so as it it. And if you used to meditate after long time, no worry if you still find the hardships in meditation, for in the spiritual life, we always find the proceeds. The most necessary here is how you stream, and while you’re declaring. No matter how long time, it’s better just short meditation and get the connection, than long mediation time and just empty. Surely, the discipline is still needed, but stay streaming always.

Sixth, at final, you don’t hurry up to leave your place, but stay relax and take your time same of minutes to relaxing. And manage again you breathing. Don’t leave your place before you can breath as normally.

Alright, at the next section, I will share more how the experience in meditation in Kabbalah. Good job, good luck, The Beginner Of Kabbalah Meditation!


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