The Most Favorite My Meditaion Time In Kabbalah
In this section, I just want to share one of the most favorite times for me. But long before speaking about that time, I will share one of the beautiful connections of Light in Kabbalah. And even I remember sometimes, the most romantic connection I've ever known this year, Nukva And Zeir Anpin.
And through this theosophy, in Kabbalah it is said that The creator cannot live without the world, cause He desires to share His love and His bestowing. And world, as the corresponder can never live without the Creator as the giver. So when the world tries to make distant far with Him, the Zeir Anpin will search it. So romantic and full of love, right???
And from here I find the most beautiful time to meditate, as one of the ways to build a connection with the Creator of Light, the night before morning, or the dawn. Cause at the dawn time, when the darkest high and highest, at the same times too, the sun, Zeir Anpin arises up. And when the morning comes, it's time for Chessed. But before to do the meditation time, don't forget at the midnight to read the Torah, so that Shechinah, the aspect of Creator's feminine can cover us for along meditation time.
When at dawn sometimes, I always get the new inspiration and the wisdom from above. And as I am the Nukva, receiving at the dawn, I can really feel how to build connection with Zeir Anpin is really really so closer than anything, deep, and so intimate. And the next section, I will explain more what and how the meditation in Kabbalah.
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