Abrachadabra, Blessings Or Curse Mantra??

We always hear the mantra of “Avacadavra” or “Abrachadabra”. And we always listen to from the magic world. This mantra is so really famous, and remember when I was child, this mantra was like the game, and I was so really really happy to say that. But for now, I understand that the Avrachadvra never we find in Zohar book. But, the Avrachadavra was certained from 3 words, and from the roots of Hebrew word. Avrachadavra was A-v-ra-cha-da-va-ara.

The etimology was from Avraham, Bracha, and Ba’ara. As we knew that Avraham was Chesed or mercy. Bracha was blessings, and alludes to Malchut. And Ba’ara, the etimology from Bereshit (Genesis), the mean “In First Time”. And if we look it carefully, they have the same initial, “Beth”. And the  “Beth” in pictogram is home, love. The creation always be begin with Beth letter, cause the Creation has created every creation with love.

So, if we see from above, the meaning of “Avrachadavra” or “Abrachadabra” is love and blessings words, it’s not for destroying or curse one things for the first time.

And Kabbalah always teach us that God said “Good”, “Beautiful”, cause He saw and He felt that every His creation was good and beautiful. So whatever happen, matters and troubles, and we if we see and feel anything is good and beautiful so everything will good and beautiful too.


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