The Beauty Of Chesed

One of our Patriarch, Avraham is Chesed, and the meaning of Chesed is the mercy. And chasadim is the the plural pronoun from the mercy. And the antonym of Chesed is judgement. Even though mercy and judgement opposite each other, but in Kabbalah the mercy can’t stand alone without the judgement, so as the judgement.

And the morning is Chesed. So it’s the right time to activate the Chesed light in our life.

The morning, is called the Chesed, cause when the morning come, the God’s love and mercy is renewed always. And through from this, we can learn that when the morning, first, we give the greetings to Creator of light, before we greet our neighbor or our breatren.

And second, we don’t just share the greeting, but at this morning too we can do charity. I remember, that the charity is one of to share our light. When we more share the light, I believe, that the energy of our light be more powerful in everyone. Charity in Hebrew is tzedekah. The etimology of tzedekah is Tzedek, Tzadik, that means the righteous. So when we do charity, we testify that our Creator is righteous One, and it the sign that we are the righteous by His mercy. And as we knew, that we can share with the earth, as feeding the animals, and nursery the trees. Surely, that don’t forget too, we can do charity with the poor and needy. And in Kabbalah, the money is allude the light. And through the charity or Tzedekah, it’s one of the tikkun olam (world restoration). Morning which Chesed is the right time to do charity (Tzedekah), that signs that we are the righteous (Tzadik). Avraham is righteous, cause he has the mercy.


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