The Power Of 13

For some person the number 13 is not beautiful meaning, and even, there’s them think that 13 is really really worst something. But, did you know what’s the power of of number 13? In Kabbalah, 13 is contained from 2 numbers, first 1, and second 3. The meaning of number in Kabbalah is first, beginning, God. While the meaning of number 3 is harmony, balancing, oneness, union. And if we see before 3, there’s number 2, and the number 2 is dualities, couple. So if we join 1 and 3, so 13 has the great secret in spiritual, the beggining of oneness, and we will see how the powerful of the oneness and union. 

And about the 13 too, the same number has remembers us about the 13 years old. In Kabbalah, 13 years old, the person begins to get the growing of spiritual. At 13 old too, it means that first time he lives in the spiritual growing, and he begins to see the faith and desire to see the truth, the ask where and who is real Creator, what’s the real mission in his life, and etc.

So if you find the number 13, both through your meditation or not, why the reason make you afraid? When we believe that something is good, so it will be good for you too. And if you still say that number 13 is the bad number, it speak also about you need to walk backward, and find the number one again. One is beginning and the God, so just begin to walk with God again, and everything will be fine. And if 13 be 1+3=4. And the number 4, it speaks about the wind and spirit, or earth. So, if you can go through the 13, congratz, you can spread your wings and let’s go the movement! Don’t forget too, that The Yisrael can conquered the Jericho wall after they walked 13 around it. And the Josef can be the Prince of Egypt, when he lived in Egypt after for 13 years.


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