Fire, Water, Air, And Earth

The first time I heard about these four elements, fire, water, air and earth, that crossed my mind, it was probably thinking about 4 different worlds. But when I learned further, I came to understand that fire, water, air and earth, these four are elements or just unsure, and also that these four  are universal. And in each individual there are 4 elements with different levels and kinds in their within.

The first element is fire. Fire speaks of examination, and often speaks of a fiery passion, or a high zest for life.

Second, is water. Water is often interpreted as life or restoration. Based on the characteristics of water, water always needs a vessel to be able to stay still.

The third is air. Air is interpreted as a sign of life or spirit, or soul, because it is impossible for every creature to live without breathing. And the breath of God that created the Adam can live.

And fourth, this element is the easiest element to recognize, because it has character very hard, can be touched, and can form a form, and the element is earth. And earth is Malchut, because it was a manifestation of 3 elements, namely fire, water and air.

In the Spiritual world, the elements of fire, water and air were interpreted for the spiritual world, cause they were can't touched. And just earth the one of biggest element of the planet we currently live on.

So, these four elements cannot simply be separated, or we live in only one of them. Because these four elemen
ts are complementary. In fact, within Y-H-V-H, there were these four elements to be able to manifested Himself. So, how do we live and what is our life like, these 4 elements, fire, water, air and earth are always present in our life.

Love and Light, Nuriella.


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