The Meaning Of The Death In Kabbalah

The meaning of death in the Kabbalah sense, does not mean as is known, namely physical death. Someone who is lifeless and can no longer breathe, then buried. But this event is called sleep according to Kabbalah teachings. It's true, someone who can no longer breathe, it's called sleep, because the spirit and soul of a person is tracing the journey to the Creator. He is elevating from the physical world to the spiritual world and the true journey of the soul. So, physical death is a hallucination.

While the real meaning of death in Kabbalah, is mental reformation. Where a person un
dergoes a transformation like a caterpillar into a cocoon and then a butterfly, that is, turning off the nature of his ego and no longer thinking about how to live alone. Often a person forgets that dreaming while deep asleep is just an illusion, but actually part of one's spiritual life journey. And a person who experiences physical death, or is asleep in the spiritual world, inscribes himself as experiencing physical sleep, and dreams as if he were asleep.

Every human being is a spirit being, and one day, we will surely and are experiencing a mental revolution like a butterfly. And the mental revolution that we experience is gradual and works within us. And mental revolution is a preparation for the next world or eternal life (ein sof). The world to come no longer belongs to us, but belongs to the Creator

 Love and Light, Nuriella.


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