Y-H-V-H, Today, and I Am Who I Am

Y-H-V-H means "I Am Who I am", ad here it means neither past nor future, coming soon. Rather it means now and today. And we are sparks of Divine Light. In Kabbalah, it always teaches that there in only one day. The theosophy of "I Am Who I Am", means that we don't live in the past, or postpone in the future. However, we do it in the present, right now, and now.

And one of the keys to being able to live a now there is, only one, live naturally. Because living in the spiritual world is flowing like flowing water, so today, right now, and now, there is no reason to complain about the real purpose of our life, if we really understand, that this day and this moment is the real life. It is proven that when God created the heavens and earth, it was only day and night on the day of the next creation. So, this is the reason why we must enjoy life in the present, because this moment is the real life.

Love and Light, Nuriella


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