What's The Spiritual Meaning Of Moshe?

Moshe is one of the most influential prophets of all time. Besides being the author of the Torah himself, he was also the only prophet who ever spoken with God face to face. And if we read the Bible, it was also written that Moshe was a friend of God, who made a bargain when God was about to leave His people, the Israelites, and only Moshe himself was saved. However, it was because of Moshe' mercy that the Israelites were able to re-enter the Promised Land.

And from this story, often in Kabbalah consciousness, the spiritual meaning of Moshe is intermediary. Mediator between God and man. Spiritually, he was called an intermediary, because he was the one who reconciled the Creator and his creation. So, what is the true spiritual meaning of the Israelites? The Israelites are spiritually the whole universe. the twelve tribes of Israel which are often used as the zodiac in every astrology. And the twelfth character of the twelve tribes of Israel which ultimately represents each of us. So, we are someone who needs an introduction, and at the same time, we can be intercessors for other creations with the Creator, who always spreads peace and reconciliation, and also a shining light.


Love and Light, Nuriella.


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