Zeir Anpin, Nukva, and Mayim Nukvin

Every human being in the world belongs to the Malchut aspect or the Nukva (female's divine) aspect of Zeir Anpin (masculine divine), and the Creator is Zeir Anpin. And Zeir Anpin is nothing but the only source for Malchut. Malchut's way to overcome she selfishness is to be part of the Zeir Anpin aspect. Zeir Anpin consists of Chesed, Gvurah, Tiferet, Netzach Hod and Yesod. And when Malchut can unite herself with Zeir Anpin, it will produce Mayim Nukvin (Female Water), namely fertility. Because if Malchut is without the presence of Zeir Anpin, then Malchut will experience a very bad drought. So and if Zeir Anpin couldn't distribute it to Malchut, then he couldn't contain it anymore either. One way for Malchut to unite with Zeir Anpin was with music, and this process is called union. 

Love and Light, Nuriella.



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