From Malchut to Yesod, From the Wilderness to the Garden of Eden
What will happen if Zeir Anpin and Malchut succeed in union? And what will happen, when Mayim Nukvin flows and fills Malchut? When Malchut doesn't unite with Zeir Anpin, there will be a very great drought, like a wilderness. But when Mayim Nukvin fulfills and gives care to Malchut, the Malchut desert will automatically become a garden full of life. The wilderness turned into a garden. And when talking about garden, what comes to our mind is the Garden of Eden. The Garden of Eden belongs to the Yesod aspect, the most basic sfirot, but is above Malchut. It is from this Yesod spirit that our experience of light awareness begins to be lived. Mayim Nukvin will care for and give life to Malchut.
The Garden of Eden is included in the Yesod aspect,
because at midnight the Creator, the divine aspect always meets Adam, namely
human, to pay attention to him. And Adam, the masculine aspect met with Eve,
the feminine aspect. And through this Garden of Eden too, the beginning of a
life begins to occur. Something really amazing.
Meanwhile, the righteous Joseph was also one of the
patriarchs who represented the Yesod aspect. That's right, and Joseph was included in Yesod,
and also includes sexual energy. Righteousness and justice are included in the
Yesod aspect, because Yosef has managed to escape from the temptation of Potifar's wife, which
is often symbolized as a sexual examinatios and the holiness of life. It is undeniable that there
is a very close relationship between sex life and the sanctity of life.
Authentic Kabbalah always teaches that with whom he unites, then his life will
be bound by it.
The Garden of Eden, this Yesod aspect, is a symbol in
which there is a celebration of the union of Zeir Anpin and Malchut, between
the Divine and human or creation aspects, and between the Masculine aspect and the Feminine
Love and Light,
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