From Voice To Blessings

Has it ever crossed your mind that Zeir Anpin, who is a source of much need of praise and worship from the Congregation of Israel, is the Malchut aspect? Why did Zeir Anpin need all of that, when the Supernal King was the only source of everything? And for what purpose were all Malchut’s giving?


 When the Congregation of Israel, Malchut, raised his voice, he had invited the Shekinah (Presence of God), to pull the Congregation of Israel together with Zeir Anpin, the Supernal King. And the voices that we listen to, both our songs, our prayers, or our words, all of them contain the element of wind, that is, spirit. It can be heard, it can be felt but cannot be seen by the physical eyes. And of course, it was Malchut who was not, who needed the bright light from the Sun, Zeir Anpin. As we know, that of course, the source will definitely not look for what he needs, because the Supernal King already has everything. But he still needs Malchut's voice, and that is the truth. Because in the end, Zeir Anpin who doesn't need praise, worship and glorification, King Supernal together with Shechinah will turn all of that into a blessing. And at the same time also make Shechinah (God's Presence), a vessel for Malchut, so that unification occurs, and blessings flow. Thus, the more the Malchut's voice is raised for the Supernal King, the more blessings he will receive. And Shecinah (God's Presence) is increasingly filling the Congregation of Israel, then He will turn the copper sky into a sky that sends down rain at its season.


Love and Light, Nuriella



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