Garden Of Eden and Shir Hashirim


               One of my favorite books in the Bible or the Book of Tanakh, is the Song of Songs or Shir Hashirim. Even though it only consists of 8 chapters, and is vulgar to some people's views, the book of Shir Hashirim is full of spiritual meaning. And every time I think of the Creator, the Song of Songs accompanies me.

               The book of the Song of Songs was written by King Solomon, that is, it has a spiritual meaning, the King of Peace. And apart from that, another spiritual meaning of King Solomon is the Supernal King. And the Song of Songs, included in Tiferet, after the order of the two books written by King Solomon himself which are recorded in the Bible, namely, Proverbs or Mishlei as an aspect of Chesed, and Ecclesiastes or Kohelet as an aspect of Gevurah. And when we read the Zohar book, the writings in the Song of Songs are always quoted, and are the most quoted. Rav Akiva once wrote that Shir Hashirim is the holiest of holiest of the other books, because it contains any very high spiritual meaning. Then, what is the purpose and mystery written in this Shir Hashirim Book?


               The book of Shir Hashirim mostly writes about the world of flora and fauna, and because of that, Shir Hashirim will bring to each of its readers, namely the Garden of Eden. Yes! The meaning and atmosphere of the Shir Hashirim will lead us to feel the beauty of the Garden of Eden itself, the Supernal King, namely Zeir Anpin, and the Sulamite is the symbol of the aspect of Malchut, namely Female. So, the Song of Songs itself is the only book that describes the beauty of love in the Garden of Eden, namely God's Garden. A love story that is not only about King Solomon and the Sulamite girl, but also between Eve and Adam, and a love story between the Creator and humans. The Shir Hashirim is the only book that proves spiritually, is a strong connection between the Creator and human life. And The Divine really longs for restoration of connection between Himself and humans.


               Love and Light, Nuriella.



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