The King Visits The Field - Elul Part Two


In the Hebrew tradition, in the month of Elul, is the moment when the King meets his bride-to-be. "Where is my lover?", A question uttered by the King. Then, what should be done as a bride, namely Malchut, to welcome the arrival of the Supernal King, Zeir Anpin?


Sound is an aspect of Zeir Anpin himself, so the sound we listen to will invite the Supernal King himself. Indeed, in Shir Hashirim, the one who is written as a king here is none other than King Solomon himself. However, the spiritual meaning of King Solomon is the symbol of the King of Peace. Thus, one of the goals of Zeir Anpin is to reconcile and unite the top three sefirot Arich Anpin, namely Keter, Chochmah, and Binah with sfirot Malchut. Words too are an aspect of Malchut, and manifestation. By saying it, we are also manifesting what we say. So, whatever the mouth says and hears, is the union between of aspects of Zeir Anpin and Malchut.


The Supernal King was very interested in Malchut, when the Malchut made his voice heard, either through singing or talking. In Kabbalah meditation too, it was taught not to always remain silent, but to always speak either from Bible quotations, Ana Bekoach, or even the 72 names of God, or the Hebrew letters themselves. Thus, the Malchut not only seduced and captivated Zeir Anpin's heart, but also awakened the Supernal King from his deep sleep. And one of the goals of meditation in Kabbalah, is to build connection and union with the Creator, and revive the light that is within the Malchut. The more one unites with the Creator, the easier it is for one to understand and decipher every mystery codes of the Divine.

 O my dove, that art in the clefts of the rock, in the secret places of the stairs, let me see thy countenance, let me hear thy voice; for sweet is. Song of Songs 2:14

Love and Light, Nuriella.



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