The Secret Of Blue

The color blue belongs to the aspect of Malchut. Then, what is the definition of blue in Kabbalah consciousness? It is true, God's Throne is identified with the color blue, namely sapphire. The word sapphire comes from the word sfirah, which is a crown or throne. In the meaning of the word blue here, Throne of God and along with the Shekinah, is Malchut.

If we understand more deeply what the spiritual meaning of the color blue is, the Zohar has led us to see the miracle that God did through the intercession of Moses, namely freeing the Israelites from slavery in the land of Egypt, namely dividing the Red Sea. Here, we can imagine that if we are facing the beach, one color that we will see is blue. Both from the sky and the blue sea. So whatever we see about blue will always remind us of one thing, namely the Throne of God and Pesach or Passover. God's Throne and Pesach have the same meaning, which is a judgment through God's sight. Then, what will judgment be like in the eyes of the Creator? Isn't He the Most Loving, Most Merciful, and also Most Forgiving, but the judgment continues? The answer is, because where there is judgment, there is also mercy. The greater the judgment, the greater the grace and redemption He will show. Thus, we can draw the conclusion that when nations that are not the nation of Israel will be judged.

But mercy and redemption always rest on the congregation of Israel. In the spiritual Kabbalah, the congregation of Israel speaks as His creation, the universe, His chosen people, or those He redeemed. So, the meaning of blue symbolizes where there is judgment for those who do not fear God or nations, and redemption for those who believe in the Divine Throne of Mercy, or the nation of Israel.

Love And Light, Nuriella 


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