The Secret Of Purple

 Purple is a mixture of two colors, namely, red and blue. And when identified, the color red is included in the left column on the tree of life, and at the same time also includes the Malchut aspect, because the color red is a representation of blood, and also a feminine aspect. However, the color blue is an aspect of Malchut, and also an aspect of the right coloumn, namely the aspect of masculine and authority. However, a mixture of red and blue will also turn purple. And because of that, purple is color of Tiferet, because it is a symbol of harmony between the left column and the right column. So the red color which originally had the meaning of blood, because it is connected to Tiferet, will have the meaning of forgiveness. And the color blue has the meaning of authority, so when combined with the color purple which is Tiferet, it will have a spiritual meaning as the Throne of Justice. The Throne of Truth, and also the Throne of Grace. 

Love and Light, Nuriella.


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