
Showing posts from June, 2023

When The Light Works In Someone

If someone believes and realizes that he is a shining light, then his life will have an impact. Because only in the Light itself, he can realize that there is a power within him that is stronger than the forces around him. In the teachings of Kabbalah, we are not energy but we are sparks of the divine light which will provide energy that affects the lives around us, humans and the entire universe. Then, how can a person know that the Light is starting to work within him? First, he realizes more and more that he does not live for himself, but rather he is an intermediary between the Creator and humans and the Universe. Because when someone revives the light within him with the Creator of Light, then the light of the Divine will come back to life within him. And secondly, when the Light of the Divine returns to shine within him, then slowly he finds new courage and inspiration to create something. Meanwhile, he is also increasingly confident and believes in moving forward and climbin...

Vertical And Hirzontal Light

Light has a very strong impact and influence in human life. The way Light works is in vertical and horizontal lines. Humans will not live forever in their selfishness, because they are the only humans who were created to be similar and in the image of the Creator. And one of the ways to be an unselfish human being, is how to build connections and unite with the Creator. In order to measure whether a person has a connection with the Creator, he will definitely build spiritual ladders. The meaning of the spiritual ladder is where a human being can go up to the next level of the ladder, then Shechinah or the Feminine Aspect of the Divine will easily go down. Kabbalah really emphasizes with whom we build connections, then so be it. If he continues to build a connection with the Creator, until he is one with Him, then slowly the aspect of receiving in a person will change into the aspect of giving. Vertical is building a connection with the Creator, and breaking down egoism in humans. And s...

The Meaning Of The Death In Kabbalah

The meaning of death in the Kabbalah sense, does not mean as is known, namely physical death. Someone who is lifeless and can no longer breathe, then buried. But this event is called sleep according to Kabbalah teachings. It's true, someone who can no longer breathe, it's called sleep, because the spirit and soul of a person is tracing the journey to the Creator. He is elevating from the physical world to the spiritual world and the true journey of the soul. So, physical death is a hallucination. While the real meaning of death in Kabbalah, is mental reformation. Where a person un dergoes a transformation like a caterpillar into a cocoon and then a butterfly, that is, turning off the nature of his ego and no longer thinking about how to live alone. Often a person forgets that dreaming while deep asleep is just an illusion, but actually part of one's spiritual life journey. And a person who experiences physical death, or is asleep in the spiritual world, inscribes himself as...

Tanakh And Zohar

Although the Bible can often stand without the Zohar, the Zohar cannot be separated from the Bible itself. Although the Zohar is one of the most famous mystic books from the Jewish tradition itself. Meanwhile, the Zohar Book is one of the Jewish Midrash. The Midrash are the books that describe what is in the Tanakh itself. So that Bible and Zohar go hand in hand. The Zohar is one of the Tanakh's own commentaries. And for one to study and understand more deeply, one cannot fail to study the Tanakh. And another reason why a Kabbalist needs to study the Tanakh more deeply is because the Zohar teaches that the Torah includes the element of water, and is one of the feminine aspects of the Divine. And according to the Zohar, by studying the Tanakh, one can be spared from judgment. And because of that, midnight is a good time to study Torah. Because the night is also included in the aspect of Malchut. And the Zohar itself teaches, that with the Torah, a 'Tree of Life' in one'...

The Voice And Spiritual Life

Sound according to Kabbalah includes one of Zeir Anpin (heaven), and speech includes Malchut. So that it can be concluded that what we say, everything contains power. In Shema's prayer, "Shema Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Echad", there are three elements in sound, and sound is created from air, and air creates breath. Air or wind is included in the elements of the spiritual world. So, whatever we listen to and what we say, be careful. Because sound and talk will be easy enough to influence our spiritual life. Then, how, and is it related to the music that we listen to all the time? Of course, even morethan that, music is something mystical in Kabbalah. There is a close connection between music and the mystical world. And music is one of the important roles in influencing the spiritual world. The speech or words that we utter is Malchut. So to invite the Shechinah, this feminine's aspect of the Divine, we need words to invite the Shechinah. Even though the Divine is ...

The Essential Of Life In Kabbalah

One of the true meanings of life, is a journey, and because of that in a life requires a process. Spiritual journey, and we are travelers. But often we do not realize or forget what is invisible to the naked eye. Because we are always focused on what our own eyes see, our hands touch, and what our ears hear. If a person's life continues to focus on this one, then he will continue to focus on the manifestation world or Atsiyah, without paying attention to the aspects of life that give real influence, namely the other three spiritual worlds. The spiritual world influences human life 98%, and the manifest world is no more than 2%. When one focuses on the world of manifestation, one will feel tired, bored and bored to face the day to day life of one's own. The longer a person is preoccupied with the world of manifestation without regard for the spiritual world, the more he enslaves himself to that which has been manifested by the spiritual world itself. Then, what is the true mean...

Correction, Restoration, Desert And Light

Some people ask what's that Tikun? And some of them answered, Tikun is a karma, or a mission in one's life, or something that has to be recovered. But the truth of Tikun himself is not always talking about something bad. Have you ever thought about how a person is born with various missions that are different from one another? Or, just keep believe , when your life is going through a very difficult journey, because if you have to face the same problem, or face the same challenge, it will bring your life all the time around the same desert? Yes, it is Tikun. And be aware, that not forever, Tikun is something very scary or boring to deal with alone. However, when someone has met the light, then when he will be faced with Tikun that will immediately make peace in his life. The more a person walks according to where the Light has led him, the easier it will be for a person to find his tikun. And the more a person walks with the Light, the more he also gains the courage and ability...

Y-H-V-H, Today, and I Am Who I Am

Y-H-V-H means "I Am Who I am", ad here it means neither past nor future, coming soon. Rather it means now and today. And we are sparks of Divine Light. In Kabbalah, it always teaches that there in only one day. The theosophy of "I Am Who I Am", means that we don't live in the past, or postpone in the future. However, we do it in the present, right now, and now. And one of the keys to being able to live a now there is, only one, live naturally. Because living in the spiritual world is flowing like flowing water, so today, right now, and now, there is no reason to complain about the real purpose of our life, if we really understand, that this day and this moment is the real life. It is proven that when God created the heavens and earth, it was only day and night on the day of the next creation. So, this is the reason why we must enjoy life in the present, because this moment is the real life. Love and Light, Nuriella

Dream, Vision and Spiritual Gateway

Some people question what a spiritual gateway looks like? I remember when I was very childhood, how much I longed to go to the end of the earth, just to know where the real spiritual gateway was. While if we study Kabbalah further, we will see that even though the Temple Mount is included in Malchut, because anything built by humans will eventually collapse. Because what became the Temple Mount itself spiritually is none other than ourselves. So, where exactly is the spiritual gate located? When we fall asleep, and our souls and our spirits travel to meet the Creator Himself. Through the dreams, sometimes we know what the true mystery of the spiritual world is like. Of course, dreams are not the answer as the spiritual gateway in this question. Instead, the world of imagination, our thoughts and how we imagine is really the spiritual gateway. Humans are born with an open inner eyes and are so close to nature, and before we humans grow older, humans are increasingly influenced the langu...

The Good Spiritual Teacher

In human's life, it is impossible for a human being to live alone. However, the same goes for spiritual life, we need a spiritual teacher. And as long as my lifetime, honestly, it's quiet difficult for me to have a spiritual teacher, but I'm still lucky because all my life until now, O have a mother who has always been a role model in spiritual life, and because of her blessings too, my spiritual life can grow and grow up. And from the experience of how my mom became my spiritual teacher, I learned a lot from hear and understood what a a good spiritual teacher really is like. In this section, I will share what a good spiritual teacher looks like. First, what we have to be aware of, is not value of judgment from the outside of the spiritual teacher's life. Because the one thing to remember is tht spiritual life grows is within person. Second, a spiritual teacher always allows his students to give freewill, because in this very unlimited spiritual world, there will be man...

The Mystery Of Machpelah Cave

Have you ever thought about and were interested in Machpelah Cave? Or, have you ever been interested in to know what mysteries lie in Machpelah Cave itself? Machpelah Cave is one of the most sacred places after the Dome of Rock. In the Machpelah Cave there were the tombos of the 3 patriarchs, Avraham-Sarah, Yitzhak-Rivka, Ja'acov with Rachel and Leah. But more than that, in the spiritual world, and specially in Kabbalah consciousness, Machpelah Cave also recorded a million spiritual mysteries in it. It is believed that Machpelah Cave was built not from natural factors, but the Cain built. At that time, Cain had to flee herself because he had killed his own brother, Abel. And Cain also fled himself on earth. And from this story was born conspiracy theory, that the earth has hollow. Meanwhile, Machpelah Cave is also believed to be the entrance gate of the Garden Of Eden. So in the spiritual world, to can get to the Garden of Eden, you have go through the Machpelah Cave. And Machpelah...

The Rest Time Of Spiritual Body

As humans we live and we surely know, we understand very well, that we need the resting time. However, we do not only need time to rest for the body, but also for our spiritual life. So, what is it like, and what does it mean to rest for our spiritual body? Each day, it's not only the physical body that requires sufficient energy, but we also have a spiritual body which also has a very important role in our physical body. When a human is sleeping very deep, humans will dream and come into the world of spiritual. The dream world in Kabbalah is not just fantasy and imagination world, but it's a part of the spiritual journey. Every time he falls asleep, dreams are one of the clear proofs, that the human's soul is traveling to meet his Creator. So when someone is asleep tight, actually someone has rest their physical body, but not their spiritual body. And because of that too, one needs to learn how to face one's own death, when he faces the world of dream.  Then, what is r...

Lizard Man, Theory Conspiracy Or Where They're From?

Maybe, what I have written at this time, it will be as controversial as I have written the most. As if the lizard man who became just the one of the famous conspiracy theory to be discussion Alright, now I will share about the lizard man in the Kabbalah consciousness itself. At first, Bereshit when the first man feel into sin, since Adam and Eve eaten the fruits of The knowledge of good and evil. The tree of knowledge of good and evil was that part of Malchut aspect. But the tree of life meant that the "Wisdom". Each of the two trees had no fruit, but Samael, the old serpent, has made the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil be fruitful, and the it was created from the Samael's own sperm. And when Adam let his wife to eat the fruit, in just link of an eyes, human life was so different than before, and this was often referred to as the  magic secularism. And because Eve ate the fruit of knowledge of good and evil, she became pregnant, and gave birth to Cain. So that, in...

Dualism, Individualism, Mystery And Revelation

In this life, wherever, whenever, and whoever, always meet two choices or two circumstances or more that are contradictory to one another. And this term, we often heart as dualism, like the philosophy of yin-yang. However, in the Kabbalah world, is is different from this yin-yang concept, although there is no denying that. Like the spirit and soul, and body, they are nor something dualism, but it's about the oneness. Just like an inseparable couple with true love, they are still one in unity. Meanwhile, always there's tiferet, which is the giver of harmony or balancer that binds the differences into one union. Like the story of Leah And Rachel. Rachel was interpreted as black, and Leah was interpreted as white. In the Kabbalah world, white was interpreted as mystery, but black was interpreted as revelation. And we live together in a world that full of manifestations. And the definition of manifestation in Kabbalah's teaching is something that happens in the spiritual world,...

Fire, Water, Air, And Earth

The first time I heard about these four elements, fire, water, air and earth, that crossed my mind, it was probably thinking about 4 different worlds. But when I learned further, I came to understand that fire, water, air and earth, these four are elements or just unsure, and also that these four  are universal. And in each individual there are 4 elements with different levels and kinds in their within. The first element is fire. Fire speaks of examination, and often speaks of a fiery passion, or a high zest for life. Second, is water. Water is often interpreted as life or restoration. Based on the characteristics of water, water always needs a vessel to be able to stay still. The third is air. Air is interpreted as a sign of life or spirit, or soul, because it is impossible for every creature to live without breathing. And the breath of God that created the Adam can live. And fourth, this element is the easiest element to recognize, because it has character very hard, can be touch...