
Showing posts from August, 2023

The Secret of 5784 and Daleth - Part Two

  In this section, we're still talking about 5784, but this time, we're going to take a deeper look into numerology and the 4's own pictogram. Dalet's pictogram is an open door, and this also speaks of the opening of a spiritual door, coupled with the presence of Pey, which means one's own mouth, so what a person says will take him to a different spiritual world or spiritual dimension. I think this year too, namely Pey-Daleth will be a journey that feels quite different from before.   Apart from that, Daleth which means the door of the tabernacle, namely Malchut, this also reminds us of how Abraham (Chesed) stood at the door of the tabernacle (Malchut), and welcomed the arrival of the angels, and this also speaks of a spiritual meaning. And Daleth who talks about how poor people run to rich people, to get help. The message from Daleth is to humble oneself, or spiritually it is called being a poor person (Dal). In the Zohar it was written, we we re taught to ask...

The Secret Of 5784 - Pey Daleth

Without realizing it, we will end the month of Elul and also the Jewish date 5783, and 5784 will be a new beginning, and a change of seasons. Numerology 84 is Pey and Dalet. Pey means the number 80, and its spiritual meaning is mouth, speech and conversation. The aspect of Pey's numerology is feminine. And Dalet, has numerology 4, and the spiritual meaning is an open door or window, and is sometimes interpreted as Dal meaning a poor person.   After a while, I meditated on this Pey Dalet. I felt that throughout the year 5784, it is where an open mouth meets an open door. This means that there will be freedom to speak. would like to express. Remember, when we enter ed the year 5781, when our open mouths must be closed, we were not only maintaining social distance from each other, but our physical mouths must also be closed, because of masks. So, Pey Dalet is the beginning where there is a turning point from a closed mouth to an open mouth. Not only that, maybe this is good and...

The Secret of Apple, Forest, and Black Blood

Some people ask why the apple is often symbolized as the egocentric fruit, or the Fruit of the Knowledge of Good and Evil? The Zohar says in Shir Hashirim 2:3, "Like an apple tree among the trees of the forest?". The apples here are the only fruit that appealed to Eve, and the forest is a symbol of the Garden of Eden itself. And because of that, red is often symbolized as the color of judgment and shedding of blood. But in the spiritual world, red is no longer the color of blood, but has become black. Every blood that is black, interprets that there is a prosecution of justice. The fruit of the Knowledge of Good and Evil that was eaten by Adam and Eve, the Zohar writes, that actually the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil had no fruit, because God himself did not create the tree to have fruit. But Samael, the old snake who made the tree bear fruit. And the fruit of the Knowledge of Good and Evil was created from Samael's own sperm. Thus, when Adam let Eve eat it, at t...

From Voice To Blessings

Has it ever crossed your mind that Zeir Anpin, who is a source of much need of praise and worship from the Congregation of Israel, is the Malchut aspect? Why did Zeir Anpin need all of that, when the Supernal King was the only source of everything? And for what purpose were all Malchut ’s giving ?    When the Congregation of Israel, Malchut, raised his voice, he had invited the Shekinah (Presence of God), to pull the Congregation of Israel together with Zeir Anpin, the Supernal King. And the voices that we listen to, b oth our songs, our prayers, or our words, all of them contain the element of wind, that is, spirit. It can be heard, it can be felt but cannot be seen by the physical eyes. And of course, it was Malchut who was not, who needed the bright light from the Sun, Zeir Anpin. A s we know, that of course, the source will definitely not look for what he needs, because the Supernal King already has everything. But he still needs Malchut's voice, and that is the truth....

The King Visits The Field - Elul Part Two

  In the Hebrew tradition, in the month of Elul, is the moment when the King meets his bride-to-be. "Where is my lover?", A question uttered by the King. Then, what should be done as a bride, namely Malchut, to welcome the arrival of the Supernal King, Zeir Anpin?   Sound is an aspect of Zeir Anpin himself, so the sound we listen to will invite the Supernal King himself. Indeed, in Shir Hashirim, the one who is written as a king here is none other than King Solomon himself. However, the spiritual meaning of King Solomon is the symbol of the King of Peace. Thus, one of the goals of Zeir Anpin is to reconcile and unite the top three sefirot Arich Anpin, namely Keter, Chochmah, and Binah with sfirot Malchut. Words too are an aspect of Malchut, and manifestation. By saying it, we are also manifesting what we say. So, whatever the mouth says and hears, is the union between of aspects of Zeir Anpin and Malchut.   The Supernal King was very interested in Malchut, when...

Elul, Romance And Union Month, And With It Secret

One of the months that I really like is Elul. Elul is the last month of the Hebrew calendar. Elul has the Zodiac Virgo, which means virgin, and at the same time is also the month of the Gad tribe. One of the reasons why the month of Elul is my favorite month, is because every time I enter the month of Elul I always make it a month of God's declaration and at the same time a month of preparation for celebrating the Pilgrim holiday.     אֲנִ֤י לְדוֹדִי֙ וְדוֹדִ֣י לִ֔י הָרֹעֶ֖ה בַּשּׁוֹשַׁנִּֽים׃  { ס}    he month of Elul is acronym from       I am my beloved’s And my beloved is mine; He browses among the lilies.” (Shir Hashirim 6:3)   This Nats also talks about a very strong connection between Zeir Anpin and Malchut. Every human being is Malchut, the feminine aspect, and the Divine is Zeir Anpin, the Masculine aspect. And therefore also, it is also not wrong if the month of Elul is one of the months of union, where the Sup...

The Secret Of Klipoth And Nutshell

       Some people know that Klipoth is a negative power . Klipoth talks about darkness, magic, demons, devils, and also rebellion. Another name for Klipoth is the Other Side or Dark Side . Although Klipoth often looks for where Zeir Anpin is, Zeir Anpin only look for Malchut wh ich is not Klipoth. And because of that, Klipoth is the only one that is the biggest issue for Zeir Anpin himself.                But the meaning of Klipoth itself is shell. Quoted from Zohar Bereshit A point , “King Solomon penetrated the depth OF THE SECRET of the nut, as it is written: “I wnet down into the garden of nuts (Shir Hashirim 6:11)”. This Nats describes Klipoth. Klipoth is none other than Nutshell itself. Each fruit must have a shell.                But in the light, Klipoth is something that becomes a barrier for the light to shine ...

Garden Of Eden and Shir Hashirim

                 One of my favorite books in the Bible or the Book of Tanakh, is the Song of Songs or Shir H ashirim . Even though it only consists of 8 chapters, and is vulgar to some people's views, the book of Shir Hashirim is full of spiritual meaning. And every time I think of the Creator, the Song of Songs accompanies me.                  The book of the Song of Songs was written by King Solomon, that is, it has a spiritual meaning, the King of Peace. And apart from that, another spiritual meaning of King Solomon is the Supernal King. And the Song of Songs, included in Tiferet, after the order of the two books written by King Solomon himself which are recorded in the Bible, namely, Proverbs or Mishlei as an aspect of Chesed, and Ecclesiastes or Kohelet as an aspect of Gevurah. And when we read the Zohar book, the writings in the Song of Songs are always quot...

From Malchut to Yesod, From the Wilderness to the Garden of Eden

                 What will happen if Zeir Anpin and Malchut succeed in uni on ? And what will happen, when Mayim Nukvin flows and fills Malchut? When Malchut doesn't unite with Zeir Anpin, there will be a very great drought, like a wilderness. But when Mayim Nukvin fulfills and gives care to Malchut, the Malchut desert will automatically become a garden full of life. The wilderness turned into a garden. And when talking about garden , what comes to our mind is the Garden of Eden. The Garden of Eden belongs to the Yesod aspect, the most basic sfirot, but is above Malchut. It is from this Yesod spirit that our experience of light awareness begins to be lived. Mayim Nukvin will care for and give life to Malchut.                The Garden of Eden is included in the Yesod aspect, because at midnight the Creator, the divine aspect always meets Adam...

The Secret Of Ocean And River

Before getting to know what the spiritual meaning of rivers and oceans is, we will first understand what the water element means. Water is an element that is flowing, independent, concerning, and cannot be contained, yet it sweeps away, and at the same time heals and purifies. This water element is one of the feminine aspects in the spiritual world, so where there is water, there must be life. As it is written, the trees that grow by the streams of water, will certainly not wither their leaves, but will grow thick and fertile. It is something that is interesting from this discussion, water in Hebrew is Mayim. And many times, we hear about Mayim Nukvin, which means water female . If the sea is Malchut, then the river is Zeir Anpin. Then, which Zeir Anpin is meant? If we hear about the union of Zeir Anpin and Malchut, it will produce Mayim Nukvin. Although Mayim Nukvin is interpreted as women's water, it does not mean that it comes from Malchut, but starts flowing from Binah, towards...

The Secret Of Blue

The color blue belongs to the aspect of Malchut. Then, what is the definition of blue in Kabbalah consciousness? It is true, God's Throne is identified with the color blue, namely sapphire. The word sapphire comes from the word sfirah, which is a crown or throne. In the meaning of the word blue here, Throne of God and along with the Shekinah, is Malchut. If we understand more deeply what the spiritual meaning of the color blue is, the Zohar has led us to see the miracle that God did through the intercession of Moses, namely freeing the Israelites from slavery in the land of Egypt, namely dividing the Red Sea. Here, we can imagine that if we are facing the beach, one color that we will see is blue. Both from the sky and the blue sea. So whatever we see about blue will always remind us of one thing, namely the Throne of God and Pesach or Passover. God's T hrone and Pesach have the same meaning, which is a judgment through God's sight. Then, what will judgment be like in the ...