Divine's Aspect, Male And Female, Union And Oneness
In creation, from the very beginning the heavens and the earth were created, the male and female aspects were inseparable from one another. Y-H-V-H is the male aspect of the Divine, and the female aspect of the Divine is the Shechinah. However, from these two aspects that exist within Y-H-V-H cannot be separated. Why, then, is Y-H-V-H the Divine always made up as the male aspect of the Divine? Because, from the consciousness of the Kabbalah, the Divine or Zeir Anpin, aspects that will get praise in the end will always be on the Masculine itself, and not on the woman. So, what about the human person himself? Every individual has male and female aspects. However, not everyone has the same aspects, but every individual has a male or female aspect that stands out. However, as creatures, we are all female or Malchut aspects of nature to receive, and because of that, every creation has a tendency to be selfish. And only the Creator has only a male aspect, that is, as a source. And therefore...