
Showing posts from May, 2023

Divine's Aspect, Male And Female, Union And Oneness

In creation, from the very beginning the heavens and the earth were created, the male and female aspects were inseparable from one another. Y-H-V-H is the male aspect of the Divine, and the female aspect of the Divine is the Shechinah. However, from these two aspects that exist within Y-H-V-H cannot be separated. Why, then, is Y-H-V-H the Divine always made up as the male aspect of the Divine? Because, from the consciousness of the Kabbalah, the Divine or Zeir Anpin, aspects that will get praise in the end will always be on the Masculine itself, and not on the woman. So, what about the human person himself? Every individual has male and female aspects. However, not everyone has the same aspects, but every individual has a male or female aspect that stands out. However, as creatures, we are all female or Malchut aspects of nature to receive, and because of that, every creation has a tendency to be selfish. And only the Creator has only a male aspect, that is, as a source. And therefore...

Between Spiritual And Physical Life

What is real spiritual life like? And what is the character like to recognize high or low spiritual level in a person? Of course, to answer questions like this requires an introduction to each other's spiritual life first. I t is true, that spiritual life needs a mirror to reflect our spiritual levels. However, as we walk together with the Light, we will become more aware of what the essence of this life means. And these are some of the characteristics of those who are starting to realize what a true spiritual journey means, The first, when a person experiences a spiritual journey, he is increasingly aware that the real purpose of life is not in this world, but rather how the journey is towards meeting the point of the Divine itself. Second, he himself also realizes that he is an intermediary between fellow human beings and living things before the Creator. Third, he is increasingly focused on eternal life and that which is not temporary, even though that which is temporary is stil...

My Spiritual Journey With Zohar - Part Two

Right on this day, I returned to reading Zohar Bo after a long time I read us Zohar from Zohar's prologue page. For me, during my spiritual journey, the first parshah of the Zohar that I read were 2 parshahs, Parshah Bo and Parshah Beshalach. And these two Parshahs were the only ones I myself kept repeating over and over again for 2 years.  Even though it was very confusing for me, this is the first step for me to experience my new spiritual journey with Zohar. Of course, 2 years of my spiritual journey was not something that was easy enough, but something that had to be fought for. But even so, gradually Zohar changed my life from my inner self, to my surroundings when I was going through my lowest point and the situation was completely turned upside down for me. And through my spiritual journey with Zohar, I have seen many of my spiritual experiences, and I have learned a lot from them. First, I learned that Kabbalah does not only teach how to build one connection, but vertically...

Malchut? Why Should There Be Judgment? What's Real Mean it?

Maybe for some people as a Kabbalah beginner, or for the first time reading the Zohar book, we will often read and come across the term Malchut. And when I myself just understood what Malchut was, how shocked I was, because like the Sabbath, the Temple Mount, the ocean, King David, they all refer to Malchut himself, even m ore than that. The throne of the Kingdom of Heaven itself is Malchut. So what is the meaning of Malchut himself? Malchut means kingdom, and to speak of Malchut is to speak of judgment itself. Maybe for some beginners the word judgment itself is something very terrible. But it is also undeniable in the spiritual world of Kabbalah. But in Kabbalah, judgment or Malchut has a much more meaning than that. In the spiritual world of Kabbalah, judgment is one of the characteristics of the Creator, and has become His secret side or mystery side. And another meaning of Malchut in the Kabbalah world is manifestation. Manifestation is a prayer, a wish that comes true. And in f...

What Do You Get When You Learn Zohar?

Today I will share some of my experiences and see how Zohar changed my mind and its light works in my mind. Here, I firmly believe, that for some people's experiences are very different. But are there some experiences that are the same as mine?   First, every time I read the Zohar, it seems to bring back my past memories. Even when I was  childhood,  those memories stuck in my own mind. So some people told me that I really have a strong memory.   Second, every time I read it, not only do I get a renew sensitivity, but I can also feel where my spiritual life is, and also train my intuitive thinking.   Third, the sensitivity to differentiate is getting stronger in me. So that I myself can also distinguish between Kabbalah students or not, or beginners, or senior levels.   Fourth, I can also know what kind of energy I have, and how I have to control it.   Fifth, Kabbalah teaches me about how I not only find God, but how I see that I ha...

The Difficulty Of Entering Kabbalah Of Class Requirement

Some of these days, how I remember when I was childhood, my mom taught me about the "Tree Of Life". Even sometimes, "The Tree Of Life" was like the play game for us.  Until one day, he peeked at one of the groups of students who were going to enter the class. And he saw very clearly what was going on each time that class took place. And maybe, the lesson didn't last long, only for a moment. And from then on, he learned that lesson by stalking. Without anyone knowing. Do you know, what is the reason?   For the first reason the man is not old enough to be a requirement to enter that class. And the requirements are: 1. He is a Jew, 2. He must be able to speak Hebrew and Aramaic very fluently. 3. He must be married, and have at least one child. 4. He must be 40 years old. 5. He is a man. 6. He should understand well and memorize the Tanakh.   But very sad, the man had to bury his dream to be able to enter that class, because at that time he was s...

What's That Kabbalah?

The etymology of Kabbalah is Lekabel, that means the “correspond” or “receive”, and the book Zohar means “splendor” or ”glory”. In Kabbalah, we can see that creation of Universe  and earth happened from the idea of someone, and with His light He created the earth and universe, and He created the mankind include. And the mankind is only one the typical, unique and special creation, cause for every creation just be receiver. But, just the human which can receive and giver of light. Did you know, because just the human only which has created as the God’s image. So from here, we can know that if we can be the like, we can receive the light but we can giver of light for every creation. And in Kabbalah, we learn that the way can be light, we need to resto re the light the connection with the Creator of Light, cause He is the only One the source that unstoppable. So more we have good connection with Him, we also can enlighten for this earth and for every creation. So here we...

The Beauty Of Chesed

One of our Patriarch, Avraham is Chesed, and the meaning of Chesed is the mercy. And chasadim is the the plural pronoun from the mercy. And the antonym of Chesed is judgement. Even though mercy and judgement opposite each other, but in Kabbalah the mercy can’t stand alone without the judgement, so as the judgement. And the morning is Chesed. So it’s the right time to activate the Chesed light in our life. The morning, is called the Chesed, cause when the morning come, the God’s love and mercy is renewed always. And through from this, we can learn that when the morning, first, we give the greetings to Creator of light, before we greet our neighbor or our breatren. And second, we don’t just share the greeting, but at this morning too we can do charity. I remember, that the charity is one of to share our light. When we more share the light, I believe, that the energy of our light be more powerful in everyone. Charity in Hebrew is tzedekah. The etimology of tzedekah is Tzedek, Tzadik, that...

Abrachadabra, Blessings Or Curse Mantra??

We always hear the mantra of “Avacadavra” or “Abrachadabra”. And we always listen to from the magic world. This mantra is so really famous, and remember when I was child, this mantra was like the game, and I was so really really happy to say that. But for now, I understand that the Avrachadvra never we find in Zohar book. But, the Avrachadavra was certained from 3 words, and from the roots of Hebrew word. Avrachadavra was A-v-ra-cha-da-va-ara. The etimology was from Avraham, Bracha, and Ba’ara. As we knew that Avraham was Chesed or mercy. Bracha was blessings, and alludes to Malchut. And Ba’ara, the etimology from Bereshit (Genesis), the mean “In First Time”. And if we look it carefully, they have the same initial, “Beth”. And the  “Beth” in pictogram is home, love. The creation always be begin with Beth letter, cause the Creation has created every creation with love. So, if we see from above, the meaning of “Avrachadavra” or “Abrachadabra” is love and blessings words, it’s not for...

The Power Of 13

For some person the number 13 is not beautiful meaning, and even, there’s them think that 13 is really really worst something. But, did you know what’s the power of of number 13? In Kabbalah, 13 is contained from 2 numbers, first 1, and second 3. The meaning of number in Kabbalah is first, beginning, God. While the meaning of number 3 is harmony, balancing, oneness, union. And if we see before 3, there’s number 2, and the number 2 is dualities, couple. So if we join 1 and 3, so 13 has the great secret in spiritual, the beggining of oneness, and we will see how the powerful of the oneness and union.  And about the 13 too, the same number has remembers us about the 13 years old. In Kabbalah, 13 years old, the person begins to get the growing of spiritual. At 13 old too, it means that first time he lives in the spiritual growing, and he begins to see the faith and desire to see the truth, the ask where and who is real Creator, what’s the real mission in his life, and etc. So if you fi...

Tetragramaton In Kabbalah

Some of people has question what’s that Tetragramaton, and if we see and read on the Book Zohar, so we will find that there’s any much more the words or sentences were written with capital letter. The Tetragramaton sometimes has called as the Tetragram. And in the Tetragramatom is countained  the “Tree Of Life” or Sfirot.  And Tetragamaton just contains 4 letter, namely Y-H-V-H, Yud-Hei-Vav-Hei, or shortly just 3 letters, Y-H-V, Yod Hei Vav. In Kabbalah, each letters of Y-H-V-H contained the different sfirot. And Y-H-V-H is Zeir Anpin. Yud is Chesed, Hei is Gvurah, Vav is Tiferet, and the second Hei is Malchut. And in Tetrtagramaton is the same with Avraham (Chessed), Yitzhak (Gvurah), and Jacob (Tiferet). In Tetragramaton we find the 4 worlds, Atzilut (Yud), Briah (Hei), Yetzirah (Vav), Asiyah (Hei), and 4 the journey of soul, Fire (Yod), Water (Hei), Air (Vav), Earth (Malchut). So if we find the sentences and words were written by capital letters, so recommended that we read...

What's That 72 Names Of God In Kabbalah?

 Alright, for the beginner the 72 names of God is really really so interesting things in Kabbalah. But before we deeper what’s the 72 names of God, we need to know the history from Book Zohar, in Parshah Beshalach, the Parshah of 17th, point from 170 until 206. And this parshah is one of my favourite parshah on Zohar. Each time I read it, I always feel the energy as the ocean waves. And the behind history of the 72 names of God, the begin first from the Mosheh went to Sinai Mount to get the tablet of 10 Commandments. And there, the Moshe faces the Metatron and Sandalphon between the any clouds, at the Sinai Mount. True, it was really really spiritual and mystical experience. And before the Moshe got the tablets of 10 commandments, he found the 72 letter, to save him from the wrath of the angels. And we read much more in Parshah Beshalach. About the 72 names of god, it’s the combination between Gvurah, Chessed, and Tiferet, in every the letter. And as the normally, the Tiferet alway...

The Meditation That I Always Feel

Maybe, in this section the last about the meditation. Here, I still share some of my experiences, and I believe, for some people, it's not always the same experience, but please no sorrow. Cause the spiritual journey for everyone is need the process, and time to grow. The first thing that I will always feel, sometimes if I can come into the spiritual world, I see the blue sky. So more come into the high place, more behold the blue sky that is so clean and so clear, without the clouds or mist. And the lower grade, more find the clouds everywhere, and to see the blue sky is harder. The second, I always smell some fragrance or scent, such as flowers, herbs, etc. The third, this one I always experience the most. What I declared, as my both ears can hear the some echoing so clearly. Every time I get this experience like this, I always declare what I desire for people and the universe, last but not least, for myself. Fourth, I always learn to know every atmosphere and vibe that covers me...